Friday, October 5, 2018

Saluki Comic Con 2018 | #FeatureFriday2018

While the Saluki Comic Con at SIUC is still quite small (and honestly, still quite disorganized, but hey, we all start somewhere), in my opinion, it's what we have available in our area and as a student, I did very much appreciate the fact that I could get in for free.

I'd gone last year as Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy Advent Children, and after my love for yet another Japanese character was rekindled from watching Incredibles 2, I decided to go THIS YEAR as Edna Mode (1/2 German, 1/2 Japanese). I wasn't super thrilled about the idea of going to con in a glorified lounge robe though, so I went with her costume from the first movie. 

My costume consisted of:

  • custom dress made by my friend, Gail (who you'll see later)
  • K-beauty (Korea) glasses rather than overly giant glasses so that I could maximize its re-usability in future costumes
  • Fake K-beauty bangs / fringe 
  • Cigarette holder stick thing from Goodwill
  • Official Disney store Edna Mode bag (Incredibles 2 based design), birthday gift from a friend

Saluki Comic Con 2018

Going to a con is still a bit of a scary experience for an ambivert like myself with mild - moderate social anxieties, but going with a friend always makes it better! Gail (who made my costume) went as Naruto's Gaara. You can't see it super well, but she had a gourd bag that was SO COOL. That thing could carry a hefty amount if she wanted.

There were several interesting booths at con, a lot of indie artists and authors and lots of merch booths as well. There was a booth that was selling BTS merch, which while the quality wasn't worth the price they were asking for, it was nice to see that the boys were making it into Saluki Comic Con. lol XD

The Star Wars group that was there was really cool, but the introvert kicked in in FULL swing, so I didn't take any photos with them. Sorry! >_<


Pictures with Alex

Our friend, Alex, went as Nora from RWBY for Day 1 of Saluki Comic Con and was part of a panel talking about Con Etiquette and some Cosplay Basics. 

I felt less than stellar on Day 2 of con, so I simply didn't go, but Alex was sweet enough to stop by so that I could see her Obi-Wan Kenobi costume (also made by Gail). Killing it, in my opinion. :)


Pictures with Kevin

As I said earlier, one of the best things about con is going with friends, but the second best thing is running into friends you weren't expecting. One of these was Kevin, pictured to the left with a panda that someone said he should get because he's basically like one.
A fact I will 100% agree on. :)

I mean, just LOOK at the huggable friendliness that is Kevin >>>>>
I love my Indian brother. Can you tell? :P

Thanks for hanging out with us, bro! I hope you had fun for the rest of the time you were at con!


Quick plug before I go, my friend, Hailey W. from SIUC, created this game called "Good Gods" for a summer course that we took where we designed our own original board games.

Truth be told, I made one as well that I may end up taking to Kickstarter or something later on in life, but Hailey's taking the plunge next summer to produce this game.

This is HONESTLY one of the most interesting board games I've ever played. 
Follow her on social media and keep tabs, guys. You will want to be in on this. It's SO. MUCH. FUN. I kid you not!!

I DO plan to go to other cons in the future, so if you know of one you think I'd like or if you think of any other cosplays I should try, I would LOVE to hear from you :)

~ Ariel
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Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Triple A Sleepover, Otou-sama's 55th Birthday, and Office Potluck Bruncheon | #WeeklyWednesday2018

This week was packed with all kinds of fun activities, and as my dear mum so lovingly put it, "I never miss an opportunity" to have fun! Downtime is SO IMPORTANT as an adult, and when so many of our waking hours are spent on things that we HAVE to do, it's nice to be able to find time to do the things that we WANT to do. I would say that I am someone who can buckle down and HUSTLE when I need to, but am also equally capable of taking a step back and being able to say, "You know what? It's ME TIME now."

Thank God for great friends and colleagues in my life who have schedules that can mesh with mine for the sake of fun times! :)

On a small tangent, here's a real National Geographic video for you that happened right outside my window! Warning, there is a spider, which as much as I hate spiders, it was on the other side of the glass and I would not have to touch it or try to kill it 30 seconds later, so everything was fine. 


Triple A Sleepover

I'd originally sent this invite out to many people, given the kind of spontaneous (yes, it was like...a week and a half in advance, but in my defense, it was a school night) nature of the sleepover. Only two people responded as being able to come (with some things that we had to intentionally plan in order to make it all work out), April and Aletheia. 

See, one of the things about being an adult is to learn to be considerate of other peoples' time. I'm happy to say that I have yet to hear that I've ever lacked in that department, so I hope my friends are happy with me in the long run lol

It was an ordeal! I had class from 5pm - 7:40pm that evening (it sucks, amirite?), so we had to make sure everything went to plan or it just. wouldn't. work. I went to pick up Aletheia at 4pm, left her in charge of what I already had prepped in the fridge for dinner with directions for her and April to go ahead and eat at any point if they were hungry. April was going to get a ride over to my house on her own, so that was taken care of.
What a happy sight to walk into when I got home around 8pm! :) Ash had been wanting to catch up with them too, so she vid-chatted to us and we basically enjoyed seeing her adorable self for about an hour (no screen captures...hehe >_<)

Aletheia still had some homework left, so April and I watched Monsters Inc (which I had never watched, only seen snippets of) while we waited. When Aletheia was ready, I made a banana+avocado+honey+cocoa powder smoothie for us (sorry, no photos! yikes!) and we watched Miss Potter. Great movie, btw :)

fun with the girls :)

Aletheia had class the following morning at 11am, so I was up at 8:30am to begin prepping our breakfast...french toast rolls! Or as I'm now officially naming them, "French Trolls"!! :) We had three combinations: pumpkin spice spread (yes, this is a thing) with apples and walnuts, Nutella with bananas, and if you wanted to sub either of those out for peanut butter, we had that available as well. 
first you roll out the bread...then you fill it with stuff!

Our coffee maker at home makes this high-pitched beeping noise, so I waited till about 9am before I had it start brewing so that when it went off around 9:10am - 9:15am, my sleeping friends were, at that point, awake. It was also totally worth it to have the coffee ready before they came down because the smile on April's face when I told her "yes" to her question of "is there coffee to be had?" was TOTALLY worth it :)

check out this deliciousness :)
each of us had 4 rolls each; I personally went with 2 pumpkin spice and 2 nutella

As mentioned earlier, Aletheia had class at 11am, but April was down to stay for lunch before I sent her home and prepared for my own class at 5pm. We decided to satisfy her Asian food craving and opted for a homemade lunch of dumplings and Chinese chicken noodle soup. We ran to International Groceries, Fresh Foods, and Aldi in search of ingredients and created the spread pictured below. Props to April for the dumpling folding! :) 

For my Asian food savvy friends, it looks like the dumpling skin we used as actually a "sui jiao" skin instead of the actual "jiao zi" skin, but in our defense (and April reads more Chinese than me and I had her check!), the package SAID jiao zi skin.


Otou-sama's 55th Birthday

Dad (or as we sometimes call him, Otou-sama)'s 55th birthday was this past Monday and while he's still undecided on a gift (we're gonna combine it with his Christmas present so that I have a larger budget to work with, lol), he DID request to have nunpuffs for breakfast on his birthday. 

So I hauled my non-early-bird butt out of bed and baked some.

kinda souffle-ish in nature, made with flour, eggs, milk, and butter :)

Isn't he just the happiest 55 year old you've ever seen? Oh well. 
If he's happy, I'm happy, so there we go. Win win.


Office Bruncheon

Just gonna leave this here, but our office potluck (or bruncheon in this case, because eating began at 10:30am) was LIT. Check out this spread of amazingness! I dragged myself out of bed at 8am that morning to begin making MY dish, mee / mi goreng. I made 6 packets, stir-fried baby spinach and shaved carrots, scrambled eggs, and 2 cans of luncheon meat / spam. 

Mayowa's spicy rice (didn't try it, unfortunately, because I REALLY can't take spicy these days)

fruit, meat, cheese, cracker, chips, and homemade chicken dip

white chicken chilli, my mee goreng + spam, Ghiradelli brownies, and scotcharoos (I'm probably spelling that wrong)

I DID give my officemates a disclaimer on the meat and put it seperate from everything else to save those who were squeamish about it from having to eat it and / or skip out on eating my dish altogether. I also made sure to cut and fry it presentably to make it look as appealing as possible :) I was actually quite pleased to hear that all of those who tried it, liked it, and even those who gasped in horror when I said "Spam" got the courage to try at least a bite and even decided that it is, in fact, delicious in mee goreng (even if they decided they don't like the taste of it by itself). 


Do you and your officemates do anything fun? 
Let me know! Maybe we can implement it in OUR office! lol

~ Ariel
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Monday, October 1, 2018

Reaction Video: Landslide (ft Harp Twins) by The Hound + The Fox | #MusicMonday2018

For today's #MusicMonday2018, I present to you my Reaction Video to The Hound + The Fox’s “Landslide feat. (Harp Twins) Camille and Kennerly” video. H+F's original music video was released September 28th, 2018. For those interested, “Landslide” is Track #9 on their Moon Song lullaby album.

To spice things up, I included one of my oldest friends, Jennifer!
We celebrated her birthday last week if you'd like to see THAT POST :) 

Watch H+F’s original video here:


If you're interested in finding out more about “The Hound + The Fox”, check out the links below:

They also now have merch! Check it out here:
Patreon (best way to support them) :


I realize I'm kind of behind on posts from last week, so when I've got those up, I will post the links here to catch everyone up (give me like...another hour or two lol). 

Last Wednesday : Brunch with April and some birthday celebrations for ladies from church!

Last Friday : Penang's Instagrammable / Bloggable Sites and Things! :)

Leave me your thoughts below! I would love to hear from you. 

Many thanks to Jennifee for joining me in the video. :)

Thanks for reading! ~ xoxo

~ Ariel
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Friday, September 28, 2018

Malaysia Trip : Instagramming, Blogging, and Upside-Down Museum | #FeatureFriday2018

Some of the things that are fun to look at are often the things that you can take pictures of. Why? You feel like you have a justified reason to do crazy things you would never ever do otherwise. In public anyway :P

Welcome to the segment of my Malaysia trip series strictly dedicated to everything Instagrammable that happened on the trip that immediately resulted in the craziest behavior lol XD


Penang's Wall Art

So, when in Penang, keep on the lookout for fun wall art. There are evidently tours that are actually set up just to take you around to find them all, but we went off on our own, making the discovery of these wall paintings that much more exciting when we DID come across them. This post is mostly going to be self-explanatory photos with some captions, so enjoy!

Dad is a coffee angel lol XD

Mum had a fascination with every photogenic display bike.
Isn't she just SO CUTE?!

My sister is freaking adorable. Nuff said.

Oh look, it's me! :)

Upside Down Museum

I'd launch into some long description, but I actually couldn't find a ton of information about this particular one that we went to in Penang, so here's a site for the USA based Upside Down Museums instead. 

I will say before you get to the rest of the pictures that my skirt unfortunately killed some of the effect of the photos. I would've worn shorts, but 1) I was still horrendously sunburned and in pain from the Langkawi trip, and 2) we were going to be on a plane the rest of the day and I did not want to be in shorts for that. So oh well, you win some, you lose some. 

everything's already upside down at the entrance lol
I was highly entertained from beginning to end.

Which photo(s) is / are your favorite? Out of the ones pictured here, I like the one with the black and white tile floor (the sideways one) and the one with the white-cushioned love seat because my skirt actually looked like it was cooperating with gravity lol XD


Bloggers Galore!

These were just so funny when I saw it happening before my eyes that I HAD to snap pictures of them to show you guys. First is the food blogger guy. I suspect he may also be a tour guide of sorts because he was explaining a lot of things to the people he was seated with about the history of the eatery and also about the food they were buying / eating. He took a TON of pictures lol XD

Second is blogger girl. And can we just give a hearty round of applause for the man who I suspect is what we have come to know as the "Instagram boyfriend" or "Instagram husband"? XD He must have taken at least 10 photos. He was changing up the angles, shifting from left to right, and she would change poses every 3 - 5 or so. 


Have you been to Penang before? What were your favorite things to take pictures of? :)

~ Ariel
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