Friday, May 5, 2017

Hannah Alexander's Fashion Redesign Artwork | #FeatureFriday

Good morning! It's time for another #FeatureFriday!! Whee~

The lovely Hannah Alexander does all kinds of amazing character redesigns of popular, beloved characters from...well, everywhere, and redesigns (primarily) their fashion choices. Hair, accessories, clothing, shoes, you name it, she probably did something to it. haha XD

Essentially, the fact is that the girl knows her stuff. Her lines flow well, her anatomy is spot-on, she always does something innovative with her fashion design, her ability to shade skin (even make-up) and clothing makes me stare for hours, and the best part? Her art LITERALLY just gets better with each post. Cliche, I know, but it really does.

I feel like it would NOT be out of place for her to have her own magazine run of her fashion redesigns and have it right there on the shelves next to magazines like Vogue, etc. She definitely has a good eye for what designs would provide a new look to an iconic character, while staying true to what we loved about them originally. With the exception of the cleavage issue, I've never seen an outfit drawn by her that I didn't like. Some I didn't care for as much as a whole, but there are always aspects that I felt were great in each one I've seen. I've followed her work for a while, so I've seen quite a bit ;)


Here are some favorites that I feel encompass MORE of her work so that you can get a real taste of it:

She normally releases images like this as teasers of her work, to provide a "sneak peek", if you will. This one is of Swan Princess, Odette, and I LOVED this redesign. It is GORGEOUS. 
She also reversed some of the colors and made an Odile version, which was highly requested by many fans.
Anyone who can redesign this many Disney princesses and still have their designs be stunning and not falter in quality on ANY OF THEM, is okay in my book. 
I wasn't quite feeling it for Cinderella, but I LOVED the rest of these (cleavage issues aside).

Final Fantasy cast. This just gets better, doesn't it? 
I LOVE what she did with Lightning in particular, but the other ladies also look stunning in their new dresses. <3

 Here's one I feel will excite quite a few people...Pokemon personifications as ladies in beautiful outfits! How fun is this? These are, of course, the 4 starter Pokemon for any beginning Pokemon masters ;)

Prints and other products of these and more are in her shop, so go and look at the pretties! :D Tell her I sent you if you decide to get anything!


And now...for the creme de la creme...her stuff is so loved by cosplayers everywhere, she gets photos like THIS gem sent to her all the time.

Feast your eyes on THAT. :P

Reposting the cosplayers info, to make sure these talented ladies get the views they deserve for this stunning photo:

Mulan — Jade Song
Ariel — Pudding Cosplay and Photography
Rapunzel — Morgan Danielle
Snow White — Ginny Di
Pocahontas — XIII Cosplay
Belle — AlyCat Cosplay
Merida — Ampersand Creations


Well, that's it for this #FeatureFriday!
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