Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Sayaka-nee Birthday Dinner & Little Sister's Prom | #WeeklyWednesday

We celebrated my dear friend-turned-pastor, Sayaka-nee's (nee is the shortened Japanese term I tack on to her name to signify that she's my big sis) birthday this week! It was actually a while ago, but she's been so busy that we didn't want to stress her out with plans so we waited!! We fed her lots of food and then played several rounds of Sushi Go! Party, which is ALWAYS fun ;)

Here are some pictures of the celebration:

You come to the Lohs, we will feed you. More so if it's your birthday ;) We served her homemade Singapore chicken rice, Chinese roast pork, rice, and enoki soup for dinner.

We love our Sayaka-nee very much <3

This was really delicious (and funny). We asked Sayaka-nee if she wanted matcha or if she wanted and espresso, to which she replied, "Um...can I be spoiled and have both?" Which was the CUTEST thing ever and it was kind of a "Uh, YES OBVIOUSLY YOU CAN, IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY" type situation. But it was just really funny. haha XD So we gave her both. 
We also gave her this HEAVENLY combination we found: aged white cheddar cheese (Aldi has it, I think?) with fruit jam on ritz crackers. This stuff is DIVINE. Try it if you've never had it before. It's just....AAAAAH~

Parents bought matcha ice cream and Ash had made cookies (essentially a dark chocolate cookie) and that combo was DELICIOUS. OMG. I want this for MY birthday! 
In case this wasn't obvious, my favorite ice cream flavors are matcha and coffee. <3
The family with our beloved Sayaka-nee. If you're reading this, I hope you had a wonderful (despite it being so wet and rainy outside) birthday celebration, Sayaka-nee!~


"It was a dark and stormy night. Two beautiful princesses decided that by hook or by crook, they'd make it to the ball. or it didn't happen!! XD"
Wow, I just completely murdered that story, didn't I? hahahaha XD
And now it's time for the OTHER massive thing that happened this week, PROM. Yep. The little sister's all grown up and going to prom. *sniffle* But enough with the dramatics, can I just say that our girl looked GORGEOUS?! (yes, I did say I'd end the drama, but come on) 

Check out this GODDESS. *phweet phwooo!
(that's a joke about the whistle, if you didn't catch the reference, don't worry about it)

She went with her best friend, Alex, and good Lord, this dress was just on another level of epic. She paid a hundred something for it, got it from Amazon, and the company CUSTOM-MADE IT to her size! Which given how tall and slim she is, is a very good thing. We were laughing that the dress weighs more than her, so it's amazing that she had the foresight to purchase a hoop-skirt thing to go under the dress to take the weight off. Go Alex! :D

And here they are being cute. Aren't they just....

Also, their prom was "Fire and Ice" themed, so I made them corsages. Whee~
Burned the midnight oil for these babies and also kinda intentionally set the leaves on Ash's corsage on FIRE because I can and it looked cool lol XD

 Fire lilies for Ash. Ice waterlily for Alex. Full body photo for good measure.

Okay, big sis is done fangirling. That's all for this week!
Subscribe to the top right if you haven't already and I'll see you all Friday!

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