Friday, August 24, 2018

Update, I Turned 26! | #FeatureFriday2018

(left to right), Mummy Loh, lil' sis Ash or Pippy Loh,
me, and Daddy Loh
It's a short post this time, guys, and it's about something that a few of you were curious I spent my birthday! I received a few suggestions on what to do to celebrate and I'm really sorry to let you guys down...but I honestly did NOTHING.

Yep. That's right, you heard me.

This post is almost a month late (meh), but I figured I'd let you guys in on what all went down on my birthday given that I had honestly planned on nothing happening! It was at the end of July, and unfortunately for the birthday girl (c'est moi), it was also the beginning of finals week! 
Yaaaaaayyyyy... ba-dum tss! Not so great. 

But you know what made it awesome? 

My amazing family. 

BEHOLD THE EPICOSITY that all disappeared into my belly within the space of like...3 hours lol XD

Dad made, from scratch (yes, the pasta was box pasta, but whatever), a meat and spinach lasagna. 
Seriously, guys, I will never, in my life, say no to lasagna for dinner. This was DELICIOUS. 
There was also, according to him, a terrifying amount of mozzarella cheese (yes, I like mozzarella lol) and 
Mum, unknowingly, was like "Hmm...I wish there was more cheese. Like...what?! lol XD

Dad also had the foresight to make a large pan so I was happily stuffing my face with lasagna for the next couple of days due to take this with me to work throughout the week! 
Needless to say, I was a happy foodie <3

Look at this GORGEOUS CAKE.
Lemon (box) cake made by Mum, the jam in the inside is made from fresh blueberries that Mum had cooked into a sauce of sorts. 
The cake was two separate pieces that were "cemented" together by the jam (or whatever) and then the decorated HOMEMADE (from heavy whipping cream being whipped 
for a good like...20 min or something like that) cream was piped on in gorgeous fashion by Ash.

There's also a lavender blueberry something in there, though I'm unsure if that's in the cake, the sauce, or the cream. 
All you need to that this cake was delicious and it looked and felt SO DARN FANCY. 
Guys, you can't BUY SOMETHING LIKE THIS anywhere for a remotely reasonable price! 
And my family made it for me and OMG I'm gonna cry now TT-TT

Yes, there were also birthday presents and other things from both my dear family and close friends, but I'm not gonna be placing those here because...well, I'm not going to. lol

If you were one of those, know that your love and generosity was greatly appreciated and that I felt truly blessed that week. God is good, all the time, and I am genuinely looking forward to all that He will take me through in the coming year.

Now 26, which is officially closer to 30 than 20 (oh boy...),

~ Ariel

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