Wednesday, August 29, 2018

A Truly Girly Sunday | #WeeklyWednesday2018

Hello, all! Hope that those of us who have started back to school are doing okay?
Anyone lost their sanity yet? Show of hands? 

... no? Awesome. 

So, not much has happened this week, but a lot did, in fact, happen in one day!
Namely, Sunday, if I'm being specific, so let's just jump into it. :)


Macy's Homecoming Modeling...Thingy

No, before you freak out, I didn't model lol XD

Could you just imagine what a mess THAT would be to look at? Me and my not-so-funny social anxieties + carefully controlled stage fright would make a fantastic combination before the masses. 

Yep. NO.

A friend of mine, Alex, did and so in true big sisterly fashion, I went, along with Mum, April, and Keona to show our support for our dear girl. We've never been to something like this before, despite my having done modeling photoshoots (as the photographer). Here is video footage of the three dresses she modeled. Quick disclaimer, the only things she had full control over were her hair and earrings. Everything else was either of limited choice or completely taken over by macy's staff.

Given that she and the other students were given VERY limited instructions on how to model, where to stand, etc, I think they all did a great job. I feel like a public display like this should have given the students a practice session or two to practice their walking (at least in the shoes for the girls), whether in the exact location or not isn't really important. They were told to stop at certain places and as you can see from the video, they were literally told to stop behind a PLANT as the lady went on to describe what but their SHOES in detail, at the very moment it was completely out of view from the audience!

Maybe it was their first time doing something like this, maybe not. 
But all in all, we enjoyed ourselves and it was a very special experience for Alex.
We were very happy for our girl and above all, glad that we could be there for her.

Unfortunately, we had to run to our NEXT stop, so we weren't able to wait to grab pictures with our model after the event was over (they were given some token gifts from macy's as payment, as this was technically volunteer work). 


Pita Alley Luncheon with April

Keona went home after this (it had been a long day for her), so it was just Mum, April, and I headed out for lunch at a local Greek joint owned by a Lebanese family, Pita Alley! They serve things like gyros (gyro meat = lamb + beef), shwarma, baklava, and all manner of things involving hummus or olives.

Happy pic as we order food!
It was kinda close to their closing time, so it was no wonder that the restaurant wasn't full.
It's actually quite popular!

Mummy, looking absolutely precious, with her bowl of hummus

April ordered stuffed grape leaves (I think they're called dolma?) and a bowl of hummus.

I got meat kalawa, which is hummus (all over the surface of the plate) with some kind of meat 
(in my case, gyro), grilled red onions, almonds, and golden raisins. 
You eat it with pita bread and it was delicious!

It was my first time having meat kalawa and April's first time at Pita Alley, so all in all, we were all very happy foodies and I had enough of my lunch + Mum's hummus leftovers combined to take to lunch this Tuesday at work! :) Win-win!


Reaction Video to Peter Hollens' "Tightrope"

New video time! I had shared this on Facebook as the #MusicMonday2018 for this week, but had wanted to wait till now to post it to the blog so that this week's post would have a little more substance to it :)

We watched Peter Hollens' cover of Tightrope from the Greatest Showman (you can read about my initial reaction to The Greatest Showman here and the fun tidbit I found out about the story of the Snow Queen here).

The video was done with the help of my new friend (and now YT collaborator), Aletheia from @AletheiaCantabile! You heard about her last week :P

Watch Peter's original video here:

He’s also got a FANTASTIC collaboration running, so check it out here if you’re interested! :

To find Peter Hollens: 

Patreon (best way to support him) :

YouTube :
Merch Store:
Instagram :
Facebook :

You can subscribe to Aletheia here! :


You should also check out her PIANO cover of Tightrope here! :


That's all for this week, I'll be sharing photos from my summer holiday as #FeatureFriday starting with Langkawi, Malaysia! If you aren't subscribed already, do so and make sure you don't miss the upcoming mini-tour of Langkawi + Penang, Malaysia and my home country, Singapore! :)

~ Ariel
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