Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Ash's 20th Birthday and Japan House Matsuri - 20th Anniversary | #WeeklyWednesday2018

For this week, we traveled up to Champaign, IL again to visit Ashriel for her birthday and to partake of the Japan House's festivities for their 20th Anniversary Matsuri (festival). 
These events took place on Sunday and we set out early morning (and uh...we skipped church. Heh). Ashriel moved into her new apartment just under a month ago, so when we got there, there was a couple of things that we'd brought up for her (food, clothes, etc).

I didn't get a picture of it, but when Ashriel set out for college this semester, I told her that I would send her a care package every month. I "cheated" this month and just brought it with me to save on shipping lol XD

This month's "care package" contained a box of Mike & Ikes (one of her faves), two honey-based sheet masks from my Beauteque Mask Maven September set, and a BTS (the Kpop group) magazine I found in Barnes & Nobles that was, surprisingly, actually decent lol XD

Pictured to the left is our mandatory "birthday" family photo, graciously taken for us by one of Ashriel's new roommates, Rachel.

Celebrating Ash's 20th Birthday

I actually spent a bit of time thinking of the exact way I wanted to wish my sister Happy Birthday this year, so I'm going to just copy / paste that lovely snippet here. lol XD

 To the adorable and awesomely talented, big-hearted,
passionate human hamster 
 and Loh girl 2.0 that I am proud to call my sister:
Happy 20th, you epic child.  
 Love you, xoxo
the birthday girl + 1 of her roommates (Rachel) :)

ever wanted your family (and friend) to start in a key, be completely off-key for the whole song, and then finish "Happy Birthday" properly? 
There you go :)

Mum made her a Colombian dessert that we learned how to make from a church friend made of something called table cream, graham cracker base, and lime zest + juice. Think like...lime cheesecake or something lol XD


Japan House Matsuri - 20th Anniversary

Japan House is a non-for-profit that runs entirely on donations. Most of this part of the post is comprised of photos, as that would definitely be a better way to participate in our little outing than for me to sit here jabbering on about it. 

Just know that we had a good time and that I was a good girl and didn't spend money needlessly (sorry, vendors). I also took the opportunity to treat my parents to the Matsuri (I paid for whatever we DID buy).

Pictured to the right is the schedule for the Matsuri. These were printed on fans that you could buy and carry around with you, but it was nice and chilly that day, so we didn't find it necessary. We got this picture from a fan carried by a JH intern Ashriel knew. :)

walking around :)

Japanese ladies in traditional attire, probably coming back from a tea ceremony hosting or ikebana, maybe?

They call this guy "candy man" and can we just say, this guy knows how to work a crowd.
A wasp landed on his back part way through the performance and I REALLY wanted to find a way to let him know...I really hope that wasp left that poor man alone.

Bonsai selling area. 
For the record, I LOVE bonsai, but I really just need something easy to take care of, looks pretty, and stays indoors. 
Sorry, guys. I wanted to buy something, just didn't have the right for me this time. :(

taiko drumming group
second video has one playing a Japanese flute which I LOVED. <3


Ashriel and I each got a chocolate macaron ice-cream sandwich. 
We actually wanted the green tea flavor one, but they were sold out :(

Mum and Dad got an anpan (red bean paste bun) and a lemon pan (lemon "jelly" bun).
pan = Japanese for "bread'

If you guys ever get the chance to go to Champaign, particularly when there's an event going on, I HIGHLY recommend checking out Japan House. 

The area is GORGEOUS and the staff are all so nice! :) 

It was great to see Michael and Diana who I first met at their Mottainai Bazaar event and worked with previously for their Hinamatsuri event...

Hope you get a chance to meet them too. :)

I finally got my Malaysia trip photos in order, so those will be posted this Friday! 


~ Ariel
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