If you guys remember my post from last Wednesday, you'll know that I've been excited to finally get this project off the ground and uploaded to YouTube. I was simply waiting for the right person to colalborate with, so when I met AletheiaCantabile, we worked on it as much as possible leading up to the intended upload date (Sept 8, due to the anniversary of the film the song came from).
Let's just say I messed up. (ugh...)
What you're seeing (of me) is 100% new footage filmed in my room in a last minute "we're just going to wing it" moment. The footage of Aletheia on the piano is part of the original footage we shot on Labor Day weekend.
But before I go any further, here's our released cover:
One Jump Ahead of the Blogline! (yes, I'm resurrecting this pun lol)
Use this to jump ahead in the blog by hitting "Ctrl" + "F" and then typing in one of these titles if you're only interested in a certain portion of the blog post :)
What I Did WRONG
What I Did RIGHT
What I Will Do NEXT TIME
What I Did WRONG
The main thing I did WRONG was that I was rushing to complete this.
We never think straight when we're rushing through a project, and in hindsight (which is 20/20, am I right?), I have no idea why I thought that recording the video without the completed audio was a good idea. Syncing the video to the NEW AND FINALIZED audio was such a nightmare that my computer was completely incapable of handling that I ended up not being able to use 95% of the footage we shot. A real pity and to be honest, a complete waste of time for my friends who helped me film and for me who attempted to edit the monstrosity of my own making for the next day and a half.
Lesson Learned: I caused myself unnecessary stress, frustration, and as a result, panic, and it's not something I'm going to do again.
What I Did RIGHT
Aletheia and I had met to record her piano part and AS I was recording, I had an inkling to record her part in pieces rather as an entire piece. Aletheia plays by ear, which is good in that we could create this cover rather quickly, but not so great in that we didn't actually have a score to work from and she's essentially playing on the fly every time we record. This results in a few differences in her playing from each recording and also a higher chance that she might make a mistake in one that she didn't make in the other.
Upon recording her audio in separate chunks, I realized that I increased the accuracy of her playing. I did this with my own flute playing, and it resulted in the same thing.
Lesson learned: If you can't do it with 100% accuracy through the whole thing, don't beat yourself over the head. Take it step by step and split it into chewable pieces.
I also purchased a microphone a long time ago for recording purposes, and I can say right now that I'm really glad I did. The sound quality between my iPhone mic and the mic I bought is astounding and I'm so proud of myself for having the foresight to make that investment earlier.
Lesson learned: When there's a piece of equipment or software that you need to improve your work / yourself, suck it up, save up, and go for it because your future self will thank you for putting in the work.
Also, a small thing, but something that definitely made a huge impact on the shots we were filming, COLOR COORDINATING. We planned our outfits and our makeup to match each other, in addition to the places we were filming, and had our original cover worked out, it looked so much nicer as a result. :)
Lesson learned: Be intentional. :)
What I Will Do NEXT TIME
A couple of things stood out to me, and now that Aletheia and I are working on a NEW cover (to be released on HER channel), I will make sure to implement these to make work easier for ourselves:
- record the audio MUCH earlier so that it's ready to go and in place for filming
- plan what shots I want and only film those bits (so that I don't have 20 full-length videos), but always have a backup plan in case I missed something in the shot (trash in the corner, etc)
- plan my transitions between shots ahead of time and film with the intention of incorporating them in (to make post edits easier on myself)
How did you like the cover? What else should I cover in the future?
Should I switch instruments for another cover? (yes, I play more than one)
Leave me your thoughts below! I would love to hear from you.
Thanks again to Daniel and Aletheia for putting up with my inexperience, which while it resulted in a "different" cover, served as a great learning experience for me that I hope will improve my work in the future.
Thanks for reading! ~ xoxo
~ Ariel
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