Friday, March 31, 2017

Introduction Pt 3: Crafts | Chicago Trip Pt 2: Enginerds

Hello, everyone!~
Here’s part 2 of my Chicago trip: enter my two favorite enginerds (they’re engineers, which makes them nerds, so that’s one of my favorite words that my Freshman uni English instructor ever used, so I’m keeping it): Brian (above picture) and Ricardo (below picture). For those who don’t know, I had originally started in university as an Electrical and Computer Engineering major and switched out at the end of my Sophomore year. I only had a brief couple of hours with them on Friday (March 17th), but it was great fun.

So in the spirit of someone who actually pays attention to things her friends post on Facebook, I asked Ricardo (as he was driving us through to go meet Brian) if he and Brian were dating anyone currently, having noticed that they had quite a few girls in their pictures as of late.

His response: “No, but we’ve got money.”
I didn’t know whether to laugh because it was true or because that’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard.

Anyway, fast forward to arriving at Giordano’s for dinner (that is good pizza, guys), the two guys were SO SWEET and treated me to dinner (didn’t know they were planning on doing that, so I was pleasantly surprised).

Ricardo mentioned what I’d said in the car to Brian.

His response: “No, but I’ve got money. And rock-climbing.”
Me: “Oh, well that’s lovely, isn’t it? You’ve got money AND a hobby.”
Ricardo/Brian (I don’t actually remember who said what): “Hey, we are SET on the money issue.”
Me: “Yes, let’s poke fun at the poorest one at the table who’s still a student and basically unemployed.”
Ricardo/Brian: “Well, after a few more times of meeting up over the next year, you’ll have money too.”
Ricardo/Brian: “You still won’t have as much as us, but that’s all right.”

Jerks. I love them, but aren’t they just AWFUL? >:|
Sad but true statement though. :/

They took me around the downtown Chicago area, going through Millennium Park, seeing the Bean (no, I did not take the tourist selfie with the bean, so there), the new Riverwalk (which apparently was designed by the company Brian works at) and though we couldn’t see it in the fading evening light, apparently the river was green for St. Patrick’s Day (dyed by Brian’s friend’s dad), and passing a bunch of shops and theatres.

All in all, I had fun. I’d missed my enginerds and it’s so great to see them moving on with their careers, working for companies that will hopefully result in a stable and enjoyable career path for many years to come.

If you two are reading this, know that I’m so proud of everything you’ve accomplished. :)

All right, that was kinda short and I could’ve probably combined this into another post, but I didn’t really want to. These guys deserve a post of their own :D Uni buddies forever! XD


Next bit of introduction/updates: crafts!! Don’t feel obligated to read if this isn’t your thing.

- TZArtisan (leading the team, writing the book, taking photos for photoshoots of the products, tutorials, and the models, managing our online shop and social media, prepping and selling at craft sales, and obviously MAKING THINGS).
- Artastic: my friend Hitomi leads the Artastic team and I’m helping :)
- TV appearance for TZArtisan. It’s just on our local WSIU channel, but STILL!!! :D

Up next is the #finallymonroes wedding!! From the look of my draft, it’ll be two posts, one about beginning wedding stuffs and also my visit with my lovely friend, Amber, and the other about more wedding stuffs and FOOD. :P

Comment below if you've got any other questions that I've neglected to answer thus far, and to make sure you stay updated, click subscribe for more updates (to the right somewhere, I believe).

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