Wednesday, April 19, 2017

WSIU Expressions Broadcast Announcement | #WeeklyWednesday

Happy #WeeklyWednesday, everyone! We're starting with a BANG! Whoot!
So, at 1:30pm (you're writing about the future, Ariel? *dramatic GASP*) today, I'll be filming for WSIU's program called Expressions, wearing my new Japanese yukata and showcasing tsumami kanzashi. 

Here's a little more about said program:
"Expressions Turns The Spotlight On Our Region's Artists"
The Midwestern region is home to an established and growing body of artists. From veterans to newcomers, our region's diverse arts community is making its creative mark on the region and beyond. Expressions showcases the creative abilities, techniques, and inspirations of these regional artists.

I posted a yukata outfit choice vote online, and WOW, was the response overwhelming! 
I'm going to post them both here, but about 90% of the votes came in for the one that I have on. These photos were taken back when I first bought my two new yukatas, one was worn by me and the other was worn by my best Chinese friend, Yvonne, because we were taking her photo for the #tzartastic contest. haha XD
Me, black yukata with golden yellow vertical lines and yellow + pink + white flowers
Yvonne, dark blue yukata with water swirls, goldfish, and full moons (or are those the paper nets to catch goldfish? lol)
I'm super nervous for this, guys. Even as I'm typing this now, I'm counting down the hours till I have to hop on camera. PRAY FOR ME!!


I was wondering when I'd be broadcasted, so I went looking, whaddaya know, they're broadcasting my episode on MOTHER'S DAY!! WHAT?! I will be appearing on Season 6, Episode 8. Stay tuned for announcements regarding where you can see this online (if you're not local to Carbondale).
Let's be real, guys. When I saw the date and realized it was Mother's Day, my first thought (no lie) was, "Wow, so if I mess this up, my mother gets to see this on her special day? Talk about a real dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow, dishonor on your whole family! type situation" (Mulan reference, for you non-Disney people). 


But really...I'm so worried about whether or not I'll be doing the people I will be representing on the program justice. Some of you (undoubtedly) will want to shake me by the shoulders and tell me that I'm overthinking things, but you know...? I'm really not.

This is who I am:
- Singaporean Chinese
- intermediate level tsumami kanzashi maker, budding tsumami zaiku (the traditional technique) user
- hobbyist who's trying to learn how to do this right (business wise, anyway)
- entirely self-taught

This is who I'm unintentionally representing with this WSIU Expressions opportunity:
- Japanese culture
- tsumami kanzashi and tsumami zaiku
- the TZArtisan members (all of whom have been doing this longer than I have)
- professionalism

I've reached an balance (within myself) of trusting God to work through me to exhibit Kingdom Culture, to be able to show respect for a culture that I enjoy a lot of, but quite frankly, isn't my own. I NEVER EVER want to come off as disrespectful to a people whose very nature to "not inconvenience" anyone is so ingrained that you hear "sorry" more often than "thank you" when you do something for them (heard this STRAIGHT FROM a Japanese friend's mouth, and it's something that I have noticed over the years, this isn't something I'm just throwing in out of nowhere). I've definitely had situations where people tried to throw in aspects of Singaporean culture into their own lives, some bits of our accent, some bits of...whatever, and thought that they were being cute. 

I'm not often "triggered" (as is the term these days) by jokes about being Asian and the like, but I'm not kidding around when I say that some of this stuff that people do when "representing" my culture isn't only NOT funny, it's downright offensive. Those who know me know that I never hold stock in being "politically correct", but I do believe in being respectful.

Long story short, totally fine to like a culture and incorporate pieces into your own life, but please be respectful, and better yet, find someone FROM that culture and ask them if what you're doing is okay!! DON'T ASSUME!


By Thomas Henke (@weinraum) from
I know, I know, you're probably wondering, "Ariel!! It was Easter Sunday! Do you not have anything about what you did that day or about the performance where you rapped?! I've been waiting for this!!" Yes, yes, I understand. And believe me, I want to share. In fact, I've been WAITING to share the rap with everyone, however, given the fact that since I was the one performing, I wasn't the one filming. I'm waiting to get the footage of the event from those that DID film, so while my Easter post will be "late", it'll hopefully be up next Wednesday. Sorry >_<


Subscribe if you haven't already and be sure to share this blog with your friends if you feel like they'd be able to connect and relate to it. I'm WAY more comfortable with meeting new friends online than meeting new people in person XD Those of you who have known me for a while know this, and some of you reading are probably online friends anyway!

In addition, if you're reading, leave a comment below so that my post doesn't look so lonely. Some of you text me instead, which I appreciate, but help me convince passing readers that I'm not just posting with no one reading, yeah? Thanks! ;)

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