Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Cassie Visits + Instagram LIVE Karaoke Party | #WeeklyWednesday

So sorry this is late, everyone!
I had to get up early this morning to take photos for class and didn't get a chance to come into the blog to properly update you all until now!


Cassie Visits!

This is essentially the main highlight for this week. 
Let's just state, right now, that I have one of the best friends ever.

To begin our "origin" story (lol), we were introduced by our mutual friend, David, who pretty much told me that he had met her out in Colorado while he was working there and as it turned out, she was coming to OUR university. What are the odds, right?!

Anyway, Cassie's super...I don't know, American? lol I'm super something else. 
Not 100% Asian, but I'm Asian enough to where I throw Americans for a loop sometimes. 
So, when I set out to become friends with her, let's just say that culturally speaking, it would have been a little difficult to find talking points. She's super outdoorsy, I'm super not. The list could go on and on.

But then, we discovered with that we both liked Disney. Surprise? XP
THEN we realized that we both LOVED the idea of Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians) and Elsa (Frozen) as a couple (or OTP, whatever you prefer), ship name #Jelsa. I kid you not, I have a DEDICATED Pinterest folder to the topic lol XD

From that point onward, we met once a week, Tuesdays, in the Student Center, for lunch and exchanged all of the Jelsa related memes and pictures that we could get our hands on, bonding over our fangirling moments. 

If you're raising your eyebrows and thinking that that's the weirdest way you've ever heard of two people becoming friends, you're not alone. We've shared that story with several people, and almost all of them, including David (when he realized that we were practically besties now), were like "Um, WHAT?" 

Anyway, the reason I'm super blessed to have Cassie as a friend is because this week, she (bless her heart) was fully intending to drive up from Texas to surprise me (unannounced) at the karaoke party coming up this Sunday. I'm still blown away by the thought that she'd even consider doing that! Talk about the best "present" ever! Unfortunately (fortunately? Agh), she just got a new job that requires her to be at her new place, thus throwing her original plans for a loop. I'm happy for her, but I was mildly disappointed that she wouldn't be able to attend the party (she's practically a fixed pillar of it, ok?).

She passed through town on her way to stay with her family for a week (before heading off to her job), and stopped in to hang out with me for a couple of hours. She also brought her sweet new puppy, Bella. She has the cutest ears, fur pattern, and the best doggie smile ever. 

I love this girl <3
Thank you, my dear, for making the trip! It LITERALLY made my summer that much better.


Instagram LIVE Karaoke "Party"

Ash and I decided to relieve our boredom and also hype ourselves up in anticipation of the karaoke party coming up this Sunday (full details next #WeeklyWednesday) and did a "request it, and we'll sing it" Disney karaoke LIVE stream from Instagram last night.

It went about an hour, and it was fantastically hilarious.
We're gonna do more (ideally) between now and the party, so if you're not following me on Instagram (@arielyiningloh), keep an eye out for the live videos! :D


#FeatureFriday this week will show off the pictures that I took for Assignments #1 & #2 from my Landscape Photography class, 1) Nature Photography (Color) and 2) Nature Photography (B&W). Look forward to it! I'll share more about my photo-taking experiences there, as well as more about the class (so it'll actually have words and not just photos). 

If you haven't subscribed yet, please do so :)
Click the "SUBSCRIBE" button in the top right corner of your screen, enter your email, and you're done!

See you Friday!~

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