Friday, July 21, 2017

Landscape Photography Class: Nature Photography | #FeatureFriday

Our first assignment(s) for class were to produce Nature Landscapes in Color (1) and also in Black & White (2).

Here are some of the ones that I took, submitted for class, what I thought when I took the photo, and also what I plan to do with it going forward (as far as my final portfolio submission for class is concerned. 

Slight disclaimer, some of the colors may look a little weird/strong/faint depending on your monitor.


I liked the shapes of the rocks, the texture of the soft leaves with the hard ground, and the vertical lines of the trees and rocks played off of the roots/sticks going diagonally quite well (I thought). 
Submitted this one to class. Overall response was good, but feedback was that it was a little too yellow. Gonna need to fix that for the final portfolio (FP).

Some funny fungi thing. Thought the colors were cool.
Didn't submit to class.

The almost mandatory one shot up the tree that every photographer has to take, but never submits unless there's actually something else that's interesting happening in the photo. lol XD

Beautiful butterfly. Unfortunately dead :(
Loved the texture of the powdery wings though, and since it wouldn't move no matter how close I got, it was worth taking anyway. Submitted to class, but probably won't include in FP.
The sun actually made the top left corner of the bottom left leaf glare white in the photo (like the bottom edge of it). Fixed it in Adobe Photoshop, but left the bottom edge alone since you could still see the actual EDGE of the leaf. How do we like my PS skills? lol

You would normally see me staying away from creepy things, but a tent caterpillar "tent" is something that just...caught the light so well and in this case, it's DEFINITELY going into the FP. I may retake it to see if I can sharpen out more of the webbing, but I LOVED this photo. 
There's something Lord of the Rings-ish about it (Sheloby?).

Gorgeous rock textures, lines that go UP the rocks and into the tree trunks, which ALSO go up :)
FP for sure.

I'm hoping your monitor lets you fully appreciate this one.
This was a class (and instructor) favorite, and Ashriel's affectionately referring to it as Lothlorien.
There's definitely an otherworldly ethereal quality to the lighting and the (not my word, the instructor's) creaminess of the gradient going through the leaves. Originally shot in color, minimal editing (aside from just converting to B&W). FP guaranteed piece.

This little guy was as big as my thumb. No joke. Reminded me of the fat slug from Epic.
Thought it was cool. Class LOVED the bokeh at the back (the dappling light, for you non-photo people), but it's a little blocked up in the image around the stump and the mushroom, in addition to the details on the slug. 
MAY make it into the FP if I can tweak it, but that's still a maybe at this point.

Thought it was cool when I shot it, didn't seem as awesome compared to the others though. 
Didn't submit to class in the end.


Comment below with which one YOUR favorite was and why. 
I can always use more feedback, and for an amateur photographer like me, it's an invaluable piece of my education :)Subscribe (with your email) in the upper right hand corner of your screen if you haven't already and also, comment below with artists that you'd think I'd like! 

Continue to pray for me!~ (I have like...10+ mosquito bites from the shoots from this week)
Thank you!

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